Happy #EarthDay2022!
This year’s Earth Day is of particular significance to us – it acts as a landmark for our transition into a fully transparent, and accountable business. We are committed to #InvestInOurPlanet and building a prosperous and equitable future.
“There’s a way to do it better — find it“
Thomas Edison

We have assembled an ‘E-Team’; made up of Cornelius employees who are all striving for positive change around the business. Here’s how we’re going to do it:
???? Our first 12 months will be spent measuring (as accurately as possible) our carbon footprint; all the way from the flick of a switch to the fuel which transports our goods across Europe.
???? The second year of our plan will be impact reduction; ensuring that we are taking the correct steps to minimising the emissions we produce across our entire business. There is no shortcut for this – we will be making lots of 1% changes that together, will help us towards our environmental aspirations for reducing our carbon footprint.
???? In our third year, we plan to work towards carbon neutrality; offsetting our emissions, operating as sustainably as possible on a day-to-day basis, and maintaining our three phases of carbon control going forward.
Climate change is having a detrimental and irreversible effect on the planet and our way of life. We believe that if everyone within the company takes some positive action, through more sustainable methods of working within their control, then we can help to reduce or reverse the effects of the carbon emissions generated through our business activities. There is no ‘holy grail’ of sustainability and change cannot happen overnight. Change exists within marginal, 1% gains which we are all committed to making, for a better planet, a better Cornelius.
We Lead, We Care. We deliver.